Małgorzata Flis graduated from Academy of Fine Arts, Graphic Department in Cracow. She obtained her diploma with distinction in Book Design in 1985.
She is painting and exposing her oil, pastel and aquarell works of art, inspired by the music, rythm and motion. She creates also the illustrations for childrens books and music publications in various traditional painting techniques - aquarel, guache and pastel, making use of the natural painting gesture and it’s trace on paper texture.
She designs the books, music covers and magazine graphic layout, corporate identity and calendars. She and her husband, who is a DTP operator, run together the graphic workshop PRACOWNIA GRAFIKI, where they manage the graphic projects from the first concept, via the illustrations and photos to the print stage.
Within her firm PRACOWNIA GRAFIKI (Graphic Workshop) she works for many publishing houses and design agencies. She designs books, publishing series, CD covers, calendars, posters and firm’s visual idetification in diverse traditional and computer techniques, making also use of her drawing and painting abilities.
contact languages:
Polish, English, French, basic German